Current Families


Wear It With Pride

Newhaven College has a summer uniform that is worn in Terms 1 and 4 and a winter uniform that is worn in Terms 2 and 3. Students also require a Physical Education uniform and a polo shirt in their House color and all students are expected to wear the correct approved uniform. Our Year 9 students wear a unique College uniform due nature of their program. Parents are asked to support the College by ensuring that their children leave and arrive home dressed in correct uniform, please see uniform standards below:

New Uniforms

Our College uniforms are supplied by Noone Imagewear. They have a uniform shop located under the canteen in the pavilion building at the College. You can also purchase online or directly at their Beaconsfield shop. See price lists and purchasing details below.

Uniform Shop Trading Hours

Newhaven College Uniform Shop - Trading hours during terms: Monday, 12:00pm-4:00pm and Thursday, 8.30am-12.00pm.

Noone Imagewear Shop - 4 Beaconsfield Hub, 52-62 Old Princes Highway. Ph: 9769 9093. E:

Shop Online at Noone

Order and pay online and have your order delivered to the College Uniform Shop, College reception or to your home via Australia Post.

Second-Hand Uniforms

Sustainable School Shop allows parents to buy and sell second-hand uniform, textbooks, calculators, stationery, musical equipment and more all year round.

Visit the Sustainable Shop website