Co-curricular Program

Drama and Visual Arts

Drama Program

Drama is taught at Newhaven College to encourage creativity, confidence and social interaction.

Junior School

Our program encourages students to develop their experiences, opinions, and ideas in the practical format, enhancing their dramatic skills in the process. Students experiment with developing dramatic form: staging, role, movement, story, and improvisation.

Middle School

Years 5-6 students develop confidence and performance skills through speech and movement and perform to their peers in group and solo activities. Year 7-8 students learn dramatic elements, theatrical conventions and performance skills. Year 7-8 students can join the Middle School Drama Club.

Senior School

Year 9 students can choose Drama as an elective subject. VCE Drama focuses on the creation and performance of characters and stories that communicate ideas, meaning and messages. Students have the opportunity to study Drama and Theatre Studies as VCE subjects.

College Productions

Junior School students participate in the Junior School Biannual Production. Middle and Senior School students have the opportunity to audition for the annual College Musical Production. Non acting opportunities are also available in crew, lighting, sound, costume, set design and set construction.

Visual Arts Program

Newhaven College offers a comprehensive Visual Arts program, where students are encouraged to discover and develop their curiosity, creativity and imagination.

Junior School

Our program focuses on developing our student's general skills in the production and design of art and craft pieces. They work in a variety of mediums, including pencil, paint, collage, sculpture, construction, and ceramics.

Middle School

Year 5 explore the variety of mediums and have the opportunity to learn many techniques in the production of Art. Year 6 extend these techniques to produce both three dimensional and two dimensional Art. Textiles and environmental Art is also introduced. Year 7 students work in a variety of mediums including pencil, paint, collage and sculpture. Year 8 students gain experience with a selection of drawing and painting media, as well as appropriate materials for three-dimensional construction.

Senior School

Year 9 student enjoy textiles and the community art program. Students have the opportunity to study Studio Art as a VCE subject.

Art Exhibitions

Junior School students have the opportunity to participate in the Biannual Art Exhibition. Middle and Senior School students are encouraged to participate in the Annual College Art Exhibition. There are also opportunities to display finished works in the College Gallery.

House / Inter School Competitions

Middle and Senior School students have the opportunity to compete in the SEISA Visual Arts, Theatre Sports or Dance Festival cultural events. Students also enjoy our annual House Dance/Drama competition in Term 4.

Leadership Opportunities

Our Middle and Senior students provide guidance and leadership to young students. Every year, Drama and Visual Arts Captains are selected as part of the Year 12 College Cabinet, alongside a Drama and Visual Arts Middle School Captain (Year 8).