Our first All School Assembly was a wonderful way for the school to gather together to commence the school year. One of only three full school assemblies for the year, this assembly focused on celebrating the past and looking to the future. By looking back, we had the opportunity to recognise our VCE High Achievers from 2023 and congratulate them on their exceptional results. Whilst VCE results are only one measure of success, as a school we were very pleased with our results last year. It was a highlight to hear from our 2023 College Proxime, Saffi Campbell-Walker and College Dux, Tess Papas, as they shared their insights into their journeys at Newhaven. Both students provided invaluable advice from a student’s perspective to all those gathered.
We then had the opportunity to look ahead to the 2024 school year by inducting our Year 12 leaders. As part of their investiture, they were asked to go out and “meet the people” by interacting with students of all year levels. This was a metaphoric gesture as they have an important responsibility, in words and actions, in representing and setting the example for all students at the College. A full list of the Year 12 Leadership and photos of the assembly can be found in this newsletter.
Mr Jason Scott
After 14 years of dedicated service to the College Mr Jason Scott, Vice Principal and Head of Senior School, will be stepping down from his role at the end of Semester One. Jason has been the model of a servant leader in his time as deputy under three Principals. His composed, thoughtful and wise approach will be missed. He has accompanied hundreds of students in their final years of schooling and has always strived to provide the most positive experience possible. On a personal level, Jason is a gentleman with high professional standards and a quick sense of humour. Whilst Jason has no intention of slowing down in his commitment to the role throughout this semester, this announcement is an opportunity to thank him for his contribution. The school will be partnering with recruiting agency ANZUK in our search for the best person to fill this important leadership role in the future.
School Closure
After a very smooth start to the school year, we had the interruption of power and network outages that forced a school closure on Wednesday. The closure of the school is a decision never taken lightly, however, the effect of the outages left us with no choice. Fortunately, the impact at our school was for only one day, though I know for many members of our community the effects are continuing. If the school can be of any assistance in helping any member of our community, please let us know. I would like to thank all of our Newhaven families for your understanding, patience and co-operation during this time.
Parents & Friends Association (PFA)
The Parent Welcome Drinks on Friday 2 February was a great way for parents to welcome in the school year. Nearly 200 parents were in attendance, many new to our school. Since then, the PFA have held their AGM. I would like to acknowledge and thank the following parents who have been elected to be office bearers:
President: Angel Chambers
Vice-President: Jenni Lewandowski
Secretary: Lisa Confoy
Camps, Schools and Excursion Fund Claims (CSEF)
The state government provides an allowance to eligible families to offset costs of camps, sports and excursions at school. In order to claim the CSEF allowance one parent needs to hold one of the following cards: Centrelink Health Care Card, Pension Concession Card, Veteran Affairs Gold Card or be a temporary foster parent. More information can be found on the parents page of our website.
Privacy Collection Notice
As a school we are required to provide the Australian Government annual student residential addresses and other information. More information pertaining to this data collection and the purpose of the information collated is provided on the parents page of our website.
In Quietness and Confidence Shall Be Your Strength
Tony Corr
Leadership Team: Leisa Lomax (HR Manager), Karen Milkins-Hendry (Director of Learning), Tony Corr (Principal), Ralph Arceo (Head of Middle School), Brett Torstonson (Director of Operations), Cath Huther (Head of Junior School), Jason Scott (Vice Principal & Head of Senior School)
School Photos - Wednesday 21 February
Catch Up Photos and Preps - Friday 23 February
Junior School Information Evening - Tuesday 27 February 6.30pm
Years 5-11 Learning Partnership Evening - TBC
Labour Day Public Holiday - Monday 11 March
Over the three days before school came back, our passionate educators, teachers and support staff spent time reconnecting, collaborating, partaking in professional learning sessions and planning for the year ahead.
Everyone is so happy to be back!
The start of the year brings optimism and new (or regeneration of )partnerships between students, staff and families. Our Learning Partnerships evening (Grade 5 – Year 11) was unfortunately cancelled on Wednesday, however, we will re-schedule and look forward to seeing everyone then.
All students in Years 5-8 will be issued their Learning Reflection book this week as part of the new Middle School Model. The purpose of the book is to support student reflection on the learning choices they make in partnership with their teachers. A summary of these reflections will then be on the formal school report at mid-year.
Karen Milkins-Hendry
Director of Learning
We are excited to announce a new Newhaven College website is being created right now and we are hoping to share it with our College community soon.
It will contain everything you are used to finding on our current site, but it will be more up-to-date and navigable.
The newsletter will also be incorporated into the new website, with a new look and feel!
We're very excited!
Steph Thornborrow and Lucy Couper
Marketing and Communications
Thank you to all the parents and guardians who joined our teachers, staff and PFA volunteers on Friday night for drinks and canapes. Musical entertainment was provided by David Prideaux (welcome back David!) and our wonderful PFA volunteers facilitated some fun games, resulting in Principal Tony Corr losing his socks!
Everyone took the opportunity to socialise and create new friendships, enriching our school community further.
We thank PFA members Jenni Lewandowski, Angel Chambers and Kay Kondarios for assisting on the night. New PFA recruits are always welcome, contact the PFA Secretary on newhaven.pfa@gmail.com
The new PFA committee is excited about running activities to make 2024 an extra special year for our students!
With all the events at the planning stage, we need parents/grandparents/friends to help by either:
If you have questions or are interested in supporting the PFA, our next meeting is from 2-3pm Friday, 1 March 2024, in the school boardroom. Please register your attendance by emailing us at: newhaven.pfa@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you there!
Angel Chambers
President | Parents and Friends Association