A Time of Change
The first few weeks of my time as Acting Head of Senior School has been a whirlwind of activity. It is delightful to observe the hum of productivity within the Senior School and Specialist Wing buildings during lesson time, be it energetic and engaged students within the classroom, or a dedicated and focused group of Year 12 students at the study corrals.
As a Year 12 VCE teacher myself, I understand only too well the pressures that begin to mount in Term 3 on both students and staff. Term 3 is a vital term for students in Year 12 classes – it is the busiest of terms as an entire Unit of work is required to be completed in only nine weeks. As each day of the term ticks by, we get closer and closer to the inevitable set of VCE examinations that await all students in October and November. More on this later.
For Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 students, the start of Term 3 is a time of change. We began the subject selection process with all three year levels last week. It is always an exciting time for students when looking to the future, and it has been such a positive experience sharing conversations with both students and their parents about the best way forward for their children. There is a genuine optimism that is so obvious amongst all three year levels when looking to decide their pathway forwards.
Subject Selection Deadlines:
Year 12 2025 students – online Subject Selection submissions are due Friday 9 August, 4.00pm
Year 11 2025 students – online Subject Selection submissions are due Friday 9 August, 4.00pm
Year 10 2025 students – online Subject Selection submissions are due Friday 16 August, 4.00pm, except for 9N students who must submit their selections by Friday 9 August, 4.00pm
Can I thank the large number of families that have attended the VCE and Year 10 Information Evenings over the past two weeks. Attendance was very high and the follow-up questions from families were well-informed and genuine. It in at these sorts of events that we see the vital importance of the critical relationship that exists between staff, students and parents.
For Year 12 students, their time of change is also upon us. Many families attended the VTAC Information Evening last week, so well hosted and explained by our Careers Practitioner, Ms Anthea Bennett. She did a marvellous job of navigating the intricacies of University admissions through VTAC and touching on the vast array of options awaiting our Year 12 students when they graduate from Newhaven College later this year.
One of the vital experiences all of our students studying Units 3/4 VCE subjects this year must commit to is the VCE Trial Examinations held in the second week of the September holidays. For Year 12 students and a number of Year 11 students, your holidays will look a little different this year.
These trial examinations provide students with an invaluable opportunity to learn and provide a critical practice run for students for the months ahead leading into the end of year VCE Examinations.
Please find the timetable and information for the compulsory VCE Unit 3&4 Trial Examinations below. The Examinations run from Monday 30 September to Friday 4 October. The trial examinations will take place in the Senior School buildings.
VCE Compulsory trial Examinations
Brett Torstonson
Acting Head of Senior School
Congratulations to our Youth Parliament team who presented their Criminalising Coercive Control as a Stand-Alone Offence Bill 2024 during the Youth Parliament sitting days on Monday 1, Tuesday 2 and Thursday 4 July. Students, parents and staff went along to support our team in action.
Our team of Miranda Zalunardo, Keegan Hughes, Gabriel Winterson and Gabriel Di Falco were given the tough task of refuting another strong team, from Ivanhoe Grammar. The Newhaven team argued their points clearly and with confidence, earning them a unanimous vote to support the Bill.
Gabriel Di Falco was nominated and elected by his peers as Chamber Leader and Miranda Zalunardo was awarded "The Best Speaker for the Opposition in the Legislative Council" for Youth Parliament 2024.
Miranda summed up the experience, "
"The Youth Parliament Program provided me with a deep understanding of the passion and commitment that our generation has concerning social justice. The program enabled personal growth and networking opportunities due to its supportive and engaging community. I wish to thank Newhaven College for affording me this opportunity."
Last Saturday, our Year 12s joined their House mentors and College Leadership to take some time out from study to dress up and celebrate. Everyone looked magnificent in their formal attire.
This event provides our Year 12 students the opportunity to have some fun and connect with each other before the build up to exams and the end of their school lives.
Thank you to the RACV Inverloch for hosting our Year 12s.
The Year 9 students in Community Projects are once again welcoming two additional students to their mix; two beautiful dairy calves from Chris and Vicki Kershaw, and the team at Cows Create Careers. This is one of our more popular projects in Year 9, where students get hands on experience working with livestock.
The focus is on industry education, where students learn about different jobs within the dairy industry, from farmers to chefs, robotics engineers to international trade advocacy.
Our calves learn to be handled by the students as they are fed, led and photographed for our entry into the National MaxCare advertising competition. We won this last year!
On Friday 26 July we were very fortunate to host Phillip Island Nature Parks staff, Andrea Cleeland and Kate Adams in a workshop for our Senior School students. This workshop was intended as a consultation and planning session for our students to plan for the future sustainability of Phillip Island. In planning for their 30 year vision, Phillip Island Nature Parks sought the input of youth perspectives on the future of Millowl/Phillip Island. We were delighted to have the input of Year 9 students Harry Bentley, Tom Reich, Ethan Rhee, Max Jess and Joe Kelsey, Year 10 students, Tilly Stecher and Felix Fothergill, Year 11 students Joey Thompson and Marley Brown and Tahlia Lindley from Year 12.
Throughout the workshop the students worked in cross-age groups to identify issues and possibilities for Phillip Island, considering the balance of environmental sustainability and community liveability to set positive goals in myriad areas. The complexity of their understanding and evident connection with place was shown in their knowledge of Indigenous culture, environmental impacts on the sea, the need to balance human and ecological requirements, and solutions for achieving positive outcomes for biodiversity and enhanced liveability.
Thank you to our student participants for contributing their excellent ideas to the 30 Year Vision and to Kate and Andrea for running such an informative and engaging workshop.
Alycia James
Twenty-one Newhaven College Year 9 students received NAPLAN Certificates of Achievement in Reading and/or Numeracy. All students were congratulated during the all-school assembly last week.
Ethan Stephenson, Aidan Smyth, Poppy Miles, Grace Farley, Thomas Reich, Lucas Jungwirth, Ruby Taylor. Middle L-R: Lachlan Kelly, Josie Taylor, Sequoia Patterson, Ania Falzon, Inez Parmington, Brianna Turton, Milla Walker, Lucas Rowson-Pickett, Mia Thompson, Aidan Kelly, Georgia Slidders, Ethan Rhee, Piper O'Brien. Absent: Zoe Paterson.
On Friday 26 July Year 9 students were treated to a special guest performance in the Black Box Theatre. ‘WWI: Killing the Kaiser’ is a one-man play following the experiences of soldiers on the front lines in World War One, giving our students an extraordinary window into the aftermath of war. Troubie performer Glen Phillips performed the play for students, as part of their study on World War One, with great student participation as well.
Elizabeth Hall
Year 9 Home Group Teacher
Over two weeks of my mid-year holidays, I embarked on a solo trip to Sri Lanka to participate in a volunteer medical internship with Projects Abroad. During this time, I had the opportunity to scrub in on surgeries, sit in on patient consultations and conduct blood glucose level checks and blood pressure checks during community outreach programs. I gained invaluable experience working at Galle’s Teaching Hospital and later compared it to a top private hospital in Colombo.
Throughout the internship, I built friendships with like-minded individuals from around the world, all sharing a passion for medicine. This experience was truly eye-opening and unforgettable, providing me with insights and memories that will stay with me forever.
Sophia Hungerford
Year 11 Student
Please be sure to check out this month's Career Newsletter.
Key highlights include:
Anthea Bennett
Head of Careers