'Little Shop of Horrors' - Tickets on Sale Now!

We're excited to announce that tickets for our upcoming school production of 'Little Shop of Horrors' are now on sale!

You can purchase tickets through TryBooking on the following link: Little Shop of Horrors Tickets    

Don't miss the chance to witness our talented students bring this classic musical to life on stage.

Call out for Props

At Newhaven, we like to reuse, recycle repurpose as much as we can... so... if anyone in our community can assist with any of the following props that would be brilliant!

Here’s the list of things we’d like to be beg, borrow and steal for our school production:

To keep

- Fake flowers (in any condition is fine as we’ll be painting them) 

- Old galvanised rubbish bins with lids

- Old grey wraps or scarves

- Old grey caps, hats and beanies

- Old wooden stools

To borrow (we will take good care of them!)

Old fashioned wooden brooms

If you can help please contact Steph Thornborrow on 5956 7505 or steph.thornborrow@newhavencol.vic.edu.au

Steph Thornborrow

Marketing and Communications

Director of Music Report

Term 1 has been a very active one for the Music Department with around 200 students taking lessons in the Individual Tuition Program (IMT) and over 200 participating in our MusicPlus Program. Alongside this, many of our middle and senior school students have been busy preparing for our production of Little Shop of Horrors. The show is coming together wonderfully so get your tickets before you miss out. We're delighted to have four students as part of the pit orchestra again this year.

During November 2023 we had just under 60 students sit music exams through the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB), with many students receiving High Distinctions (A+). We're very proud of all students who strived for excellence in preparing for and presenting their examinations. Stay tuned for AMEB examination information for 2024. The students were presented at assemblies throughout term 1.

Congratulations to the 20 students who performed at our Autumn Soiree in the Rehearsal Hall on Monday 18 March. It was wonderful to hear such fine music so early in the year. The College holds soirees throughout the year and I encourage all students learning an instrument at the school or privately to present their music at one of these evenings. The joy of performing music cannot be underestimated. It is always good to share all of your hard work with others.

On Thursday 21 March 18 of our VCE Music Performance and VET Music Industry students accompanied by Mr Turton, Mrs Poletti, Mrs Lockhart, Mr Prideaux, Mr Wright and Mr Goss attended Top Class at the Melbourne Recital Centre in Southbank.

Top Class Music features incredible young students who received very high grades for their VCE music performance examinations in 2023. Over three concerts a range of instruments, interpretations and styles by soloists and groups is presented. We attended the third concert featuring VCE Contemporary Music and VET Music Performance students.

We are pleased to announce that on Thursday 16 May Briana Leaman (Oboe) will be at the College to present a masterclass to our Year 5-6 students followed by a concert in the evening. Briana is an American-Australian oboist and has performed and taught throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. We're delighted that Briana will be working alongside our students as part of her Victorian tour and hoping to pique some interest in the oboe. Brian's concert is open to the public with a special discount for Newhaven families.

We were delighted that Newhaven Colleges' very own 'The Drop Kicks' comprising of Year 12s Dean Lyle (Vocal), Callan Spencer (Bass), Liam Fuery (Drums) and Esta Christensen (Guitar). Esta is of course 2023 Alumni. It was wonderful to have her back representing the College. The Dropkicks completed VET Music Industry 2nd Year in 2023 and all received outstanding marks. The band was given the honour of closing the final concert with two tunes. They managed to whip the enthusiastic audience into a frenzy pretty quickly with their original tune, 'I Don’t Think' and followed up with Suck My Kiss (Red Hot Chili Peppers). Well done to the band for their awesome performance representing the College and of course, we wish them all the best with their upcoming gigs. Special thanks to Esta Christensen for her wonderful guitar playing.

If you would like to find out more about our VCE Music Performance and VET Music Industry, here is some information.

VCE Music Performance focuses on:

  • Performance of repertoire across a range of genres, as well as scales and exercises
  • Music language skills:
    • ability to analyse and discuss the use of musical elements that can be heard in recorded works
    • ability to read, write, aurally recognise, transcribe, improvise, compose and sing or clap:
      • rhythms, melodies, scales, intervals, arpeggios and chord progressions
  • Students can do the subject for just one year (Units 1 & 2) or continue on to do the second year (Units 3 & 4).
  • Unit 1-2 focuses on performance skills, composition and analysis on music
  • Students choose repertoire based on appropriate level from any genre in both solo and group settings.
  • Unit 3-4 students choose to focus on Contemporary stream of Repertoire (notated works) stream.
  • 30% of the Study Score comes from school-based assessments (SACS). 20% comes from an external music language exam.
  • 50% comes from the final performance exam, where technical, expressive and stylistic interpretive skills are the focus.
  • Our students have achieved Study Scores above 40 with Will Murphy scoring a perfect 50 in 2023 and two other students in the 40s.

VCE VET Music (Performance) focuses on:

  • First Year:
    • Planning for performances – including logistics
    • Event management & negotiating with venues
    • Understanding characteristics of a genre and putting on a tribute show
    • Songwriting
    • Copyright law
    • Work health & safety
  • Second Year:
    • Preparing solo or ensemble performances of self-determined repertoire for a self-determined commercial context
    • Physical and verbal stagecraft to create engaging performances
    • Practice and rehearsal skills
    • Detailed video analysis, self-evaluation and goal setting to improve & refine performances
    • Improvisation
  • The full, two year course gives students a Cert III in Music Industry and also a Year 12 Study Score
  • Either year can be completed on its own. Only Second Year provides a Study Score.
  • Students are often capable of commencing the subject in Year 10 if they have done well in Year 9. Performance ability and grade averages are required.
  • Students can do both subjects at a Year 12 level if they take VET Music across Yr 10/11 and VCE Music across Yr 11/12.
  • It is inadvisable to do both subjects in Year 12.
  • Very minimal theory skills can be sufficient – these can be developed within the course.
  • There is no minimum, prescribed performance standard but students need to be capable of pulling together a competent performance.
  • Easy repertoire can produce satisfactory completion but is likely to produce lower Study Scores.
  • 50% of the Study Score comes from school-based assessments (SACS).
  • 50% comes from the final performance exam, where 3 of the 10 assessed criteria are for stagecraft and original, innovative interpretation is rewarded.
  • Our students have achieved Study Scores above 40.

Matthew Goss

Director of Music

2023 VCE and VET Performing Arts Students Shine!

Two perfect scores in VCE Music, six students progressing to further study in the performing arts and one of our bands, The Dropkicks, received a rare invitation to perform two songs at the state-wide VCE showcase concert, Top Class Music 2024 where they performed to the next generation of aspiring musicians at the Melbourne Recital Centre. The Dropkicks formed during our annual Bands Camp in 2022 and they’ve been rehearsing, writing, recording, and performing ever since, with all band members completing a VCE/VET Cert III in Music followed by VCE Contemporary Music the year after. Make sure you check out The Dropkicks’ Instagram account, or catch them at The Westernport on Saturday 23 March, where they’re playing support for Ozone Street and Nick Carver & The Mean St Butchers.

Watch the Dropkicks in action!

Rob Turton

VCE Music Teacher

VET Music Performance Night

Our 2nd Year VCE VET Music students kicked off their year with impressive performances to an enthusiastic and supportive crowd in our Black Box Theatre this week.

With more performances nights coming up in Terms 2 and 3, make sure you get along to hear these talented young musicians later this year.

Rob Turton

VCE Music Teacher