Drama Club began in 2017, and was a very small Middle School Drama Club for interested students. Over the years the popularity grew and now we are fortunate enough to run a Senior and Middle School Drama Club. The Senior School Drama Club is made up of students in Year 9 -12 and they meet every Thursday from 3.30pm – 5pm. They play theatre games, refine their skills and share their love of performing. Some of these students have been involved in Drama Club with me since they were in Year 7, proving how passionate they are about performing.
This term they have been rehearsing a 45 minute adaptation of Alice In Wonderland. They presented their show to parents and friends this week. Students do not have to audition for roles and everyone is very supportive of each other. One of the best things about Drama Club is that everyone is welcome. It is an inclusive, supportive environment that provides an opportunity for everyone to perform as little or as much as they like.
Lauren White
Head of Theatre
Year 7 Art students worked on a variety of watercolour techniques to produce layers of colour for an ocean based seascape.
Either a whale or a boat had to be in the composition. Colours were then layered across the artwork to create movement.